Forensic Engineering We Are the Accident Investigation Experts... We Are the Accident Investigation Experts... We Are the Accident Investigation Experts...

Get objective testimony or technical reports from experienced engineers when damages, injuries, and conflicts require legal action. Work with a trusted forensic engineering firm.
Thomas Baker, P.E. Forensic Engineer – Accident Investigator Our Services Forensic Engineer
Thomas Baker, P.E.
The Forensic Engineer uses the scientific method, training, testing, and scientific standards to determine the root-cause and any contributing factors to the accident. Our Services
Forensic Engineering - Thomas Baker, P.E.

Trusted Credentials – A Forensic Engineering Litigation Firm

Retaining the right expert is vital to any case and can influence the ultimate outcome. Let our experience work for you.  What Does a Forensic Engineer Do? To put it simply, forensic engineering is the application of engineering principles and science used in the investigation of failure, more specifically, the failure of a machine, component, material or structure.

I am a qualified engineer that investigates materials, products, structures and components that fail or do not operate as intended.  The failure or non-conformance can result in personal injury, property damage, or financial strain and be litigated in a court of law.  

A Forensic Engineer uses the scientific method, training, testing, and scientific standards to determine the root-cause and any contributing factors to the accident.  All of our consultants are professional engineers, the profession’s highest standard of competence.

Our litigation consultants’ credentials, thoroughness, and objectivity are compelling in the courtroom.  We take pride in our commitment to bring you objective analyses and reporting. We are transparent communicators so that you can be confident in your legal approach. Whether on the stand or behind the scenes, we act with integrity and speak with authority.

Forensic engineering is a specialist discipline that links engineering and law, whether civil or criminal. Our forensic engineers are trained in expert witness reporting.  We have recognized experts in equipment and structural failures, vehicular incidents, and cost dispute resolution. We have conducted technical investigations, analyzed evidence, and assessed and identified causes of failures and accidents for a diverse portfolio of clients including lawyers, insurers, miners, operators and government agencies.

All forensic engineering investigations are unique and require the thorough approach of an experienced investigator to set an appropriate scope. Investigations generally require a site inspection and laser scanning (where possible), document and records review, research, modelling and testing, analysis, development of opinion, and final reporting.

In our suite of forensic engineering experience, we have conducted investigations into crane and high-risk plant-related accidents (including fatalities), large-scale equipment failure, vehicular accidents, work site construction practices, and transport equipment failure.

 We can provide Forensic Engineers Nationwide
Let us match your needs with an expert in your area today.
Root Cause Determination · Licensed in 50 States · Expert Engineer Witness · Claims Support
About Forensic Engineering

Why choose FIELD Engineers for Forensic Engineering Services?

Whether you’re dealing with a dispute over a construction defect, a product liability case, a crane accident or a heavy industrial accident, our forensic engineering investigation services can provide the expert analysis and testimony you need. We leverage our extensive experience and cutting-edge technology to uncover the facts, helping you build a robust case.


Training for CEU requirements available on topics like “Slip and Fall Investigations” and “Aerial Work Platform Standards”.
This is not an exhaustive list so please call or send an email about your case and if we can’t help you we’ll be able to make a recommendation as to someone that can.


Fire Causation


Building Code Compliance


OSHA Standards


You will learn more from our FAQ.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple and easy communication.
Forensic engineers use their expertise and analytical skills to examine evidence, reconstruct events, and determine root causes of problems. They can help prevent future failures, improve safety and performance, and provide legal support and expert testimony. Forensic science can be rewarding because it contributes objective, precise information to the criminal justice system.
Forensic engineering has been defined as "the investigation of failures—ranging from serviceability to catastrophic—which may lead to legal activity, including both civil and criminal".[1] The forensic engineering field is very broad in terms of the many disciplines that it covers, investigations that use forensic engineering are case of environmental damages to structures, system failures of machines, explosions, electrical, fire point of origin, vehicle failures and many more.[2][1]

It includes the investigation of materials, products, structures or components that fail or do not operate or function as intended, causing personal injury, damage to property or economic loss. The consequences of failure may give rise to action under either criminal or civil law including but not limited to health and safety legislation, the laws of contract and/or product liability and the laws of tort. The field also deals with retracing processes and procedures leading to accidents in operation of vehicles or machinery. Generally, the purpose of a forensic engineering investigation is to locate cause or causes of failure with a view to improve performance or life of a component, or to assist a court in determining the facts of an accident. It can also involve investigation of intellectual property claims, especially patents. In the US, forensic engineers require a professional engineering license from each state.
One of the most common applications of forensic engineering is in decoding product liability. Claimants (plaintiffs) and defendants both rely on expert testimony to establish a chain of events and apportion fault.

A few different examples of forensic engineers being called to investigate an accident are:

A concert stage collapsing and crushing a person underneath before the show
An electric kettle experiencing an electrical failure and causing burns to the owner
A bridge collapsing under the weight of snow and ice despite being deemed safe.
Product manufacturers
Builders and contractors
Insurance companies
Banks and financial institutions
Lawyers and law firms
Government investigators
Project consultants
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Forensic Engineering – Litigation Support – Marine Services – Technical Consulting. We are a national multi-disciplined firm with experts standing by.

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